Wondering how you can help? 

The Baldwin County Angels stock and maintain the Blessing Barn, a facility that houses food, clothing, and household goods for needy members of the community. Patrons are able to visit the Barn for essentials they need, and volunteers receive donations, organize items, and assist shoppers. 

The Angels also host several community programs throughout the year. In the past, we've fed students over school breaks, held diaper give-away events, provided Christmas toys for kids, furnished Thanksgiving meals, and delivered school supplies to families in need. These large undertakings require hard-working, committed volunteers to pull off! 

As you can see, our most important asset is our people! Do you have any of the qualities below? Then we'd love to have you join our team of dedicated and passionate volunteers!

Join our Groupme to stay on top of volunteer opportunities! Whether you can help a little or a lot, we would love to have you!

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